Title: The Working Group in Media, Old and New working group meeting
When: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 / 5:00PM
Where: Memorial Hall, Room 107
On Wednesday, November 30th at 5:00pm in Memorial Hall 107, we have the second of our “work in progress” sessions, which will feature presentations from Sean Lovitt (English) and Hillary Neben (History).
This session will be “work in progress” presentations by graduate students working on media-related projects in various disciplines. We look forward to an informal, interdisciplinary setting where graduate students can receive feedback on their research.
Sean and Hillary will discuss their ongoing dissertation research on media-related topics: Sean on the print culture of the Mimeo Revolution and Underground Press in the 1960s and Hillary on the intersection of gender, technology and consumerism in Wanamaker department store mannequins. We look forward to another informal, interdisciplinary gathering and lively conversation.