Feb. 24, 6pm | Art History Graduate Student Lecture Series – Dr. Tina Campt



The Center is glad to share news about the next lecture in the Art History Graduate Student Lecture Series. On Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 6 pm, Dr. Tina Campt, Owen F. Walker Professor of Humanities and Modern Culture and Media at Brown University, and current Visiting Professor in the Department of Art and Archeology at Princeton University, will give a virtual talk.

Dr. Campt will be discussing her recent work in a lecture titled “Mirrors, Doubles, and the Multiplications of a Black Gaze.” More information about the event can be found in the flyer attached. This will be a virtual lecture, held over Zoom.

Please use the following link to join the event: https://udel.zoom.us/s/97210729806