Chipstone Object Lab 8.0

Object Lab 8.0

When: June 5-9, 2016

Where: The Chipstone Foundation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Object Lab is a material studies program organized and funded by the Chipstone Foundation for third and fourth year undergraduate students. It exposes participants to new and diverse means of interacting with, studying, and analyzing, objects. An annual event since 2009, this year’s program brings students together with a range of scholars from the fields of Art History, History, English, History of Science and Art, as well as practicing artists and manufacturers. Students will benefit not only from time with scholars, artists and manufacturers but also from hands-on exposure to objects from the collections of the Chipstone Foundation and other museums. To view videos of previous Object Labs please visit our Artbabble page at

Third or Fourth year undergraduate students interested in applying for the Object Lab program are expected to send a CV and cover letter explaining their interest in object study. Potential participants will also be asked to complete a phone interview with one of the Object Lab organizers in the first week of April. Applications are typically due in March.


The blindfold exercise in which two blindfolded students describe the object they are encountering to another student behind a screen (who cannot see the object), who must sketch the object based on the blindfolded students’ descriptions.