The Methods in Material Culture Graduate Working Group invites you to join them at the Winterthur Museum for an afternoon surveying the fundamentals of object study. The workshop is free and open to graduate students only. Interested participants can email Alexander Ames ( for further information. Please RSVP with Alex by Tuesday, June 20th to attend this event.
Workshop Agenda:
10:00-12:00pm: Object Study Sessions with:
Dr. Catharine Dann Roeber, the Brock W. Jobe Assistant Professor of Decorative Arts and Material Culture and Executive Editor of Winterthur Portfolio
Dr. Tom Guiler, Manager and Instructor in Winterthur’s Academic Programs department
Ann Wagner, Curator of Decorative Arts with a specialty in metalwork and organic objects
Nalleli Guillen, Doctoral candidate in the History of American Civilization program at the University of Delaware and graduate of the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture.
Adjourn to the Winterthur Library, where Jeanne Solensky, librarian in charge of the Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts & Printed Ephemera as well as Winterthur’s Visual Resources Collection, will share some of the Library’s treasures with us.
*Participants are welcome to attend just the first part of the workshop; i.e., if you need to leave after the object study session to get elsewhere for your afternoon, feel free.
We hope to see you at this a thought-provoking and informative experience!