“Problem Solving: Highlights from the Experimental Printmaking Institute,” March 5th

You are invited to a reception in celebration of the new exhibition Problem Solving: Highlights from the Experimental Printmaking Institute. The exhibition is curated by Galina Olmsted, a Delaware Public Humanities Institute  (DELPHI) alumnus and graduate student in the Art History Department at University of Delaware.

The exhibition features a gift of over fifty new prints from the Experimental Printmaking Institute (EPI) at Lafayette College, and puts these works in conversation with the University Museum’s collection. The exhibition will be on view in the Mechanical Hall Gallery at University of Delaware through May 11th.

Reception Details
When: Monday, March 5th 5:00pm-7:00pm
Where: Mechanical Hall Gallery.

5:15 pm: the reception will feature a gallery conversation between the founding director of the EPI, Curlee Raven Holten and robin holder, an artist whose work is featured in the exhibit.
Light refreshments to follow.
*Many of the artists featured in the exhibit will be in attendance, and available for conversation about their work.