Title: “The Ese’Eja People of the Amazon: Connected by a Thread”
When: August 31, 2016 – December 9, 2016
Where: Old College West Gallery, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
The University Museums of the University of Delaware will present an exhibition entitled The Ese’Eja People of the Amazon: Connected by a Thread from August 31 through December 9 in the Old College West Gallery.
As Amazonia loses many of its indigenous cultures, their deep understanding of the interconnectedness of nature is also disappearing. The Ese’Eja, one of the few extant foraging societies of Peru, have been stewards of the lands in the Amazon basin for thousands of years. Although their cultural history and spiritual connection to the forest is profound, beyond their community it is known only to a small number of specialists. This exhibition tells their story in the hope of influencing public policy and empowering the Ese’Eja in determining their future.
Featured in the exhibition are photographs and daguerreotypes by UD faculty members Jon Cox and Andrew Bale, as well as artifacts that are part of the community’s daily life. The Ese’Eja People of the Amazon: Connected by a Thread illustrates a worldview, a way of life, a heritage, as well as the contemporary challenges facing these resilient people. This exhibition is part of a multidisciplinary cultural mapping project centering on the Ese’Eja Nation and involving UD faculty, students and alumni. It is funded in part by a generous National Geographic Genographic Legacy Fund Grant.
Admission to all University Museums exhibitions and events is free and open to the public. Hours are noon-8 p.m., Wednesdays, and noon-5 p.m., Thursdays through Sundays. University Museums are closed during all UD breaks and holidays.
On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, there will be an opening reception with notable guest speakers.
Dennis J. Coker, Principal Chief of the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware
Paul Morgan, board chair, Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research Director of undergraduate and graduate certificate programs in education for sustainability at West Chester University.
RSVP: universitymuseums@udel.edu and (302) 831-8037.
For a full list of events, visit Udaily.
For general information, call (302) 831-8037 or visit the museums online.
Learn more about the project, subscribe to news and updates, and learn about the team here.
Stay connected to the Ese’Eja project through their working group.
Banner image: Jon Cox and Andy Bale, Madre de Dios at Dawn, 2014. platinum palladium print, 12 x 8 in. (16 x 20 in. framed).